[Solved MCQ]How can edge computing be used to improve sustainability?

 How can edge computing be used to improve sustainability?

A. by instantly converting older machines to use renewable energy.

B. by allowing devices to operate without a network connection.

C.  by requiring all devices to connect directly to government servers.

D. by using sensors to track real-time data about energy usage.

Answer: D. by using sensors to track real-time data about energy usage.

Edge computing can be used to improve sustainability by using sensors to track real-time data about energy usage. By collecting and analyzing data about energy use at the edge of the network, close to the source of the data, edge computing can provide more accurate and timely insights into energy consumption patterns. This information can then be used to optimize energy use and reduce waste, leading to more sustainable practices. 

For example, edge computing can be used in smart buildings to monitor energy usage and automatically adjust lighting, heating, and cooling systems based on occupancy and other factors. By enabling more efficient use of energy and resources, edge computing can contribute to a more sustainable future.

 Additionally, edge computing can reduce the need for data to be transmitted over long distances, which can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with data transmission and processing.

Some more MCQs for Accenture TQ practice .

  1. How can edge computing help improve sustainability?  A) By increasing the use of fossil fuels B) By reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with cloud computing C) By increasing the use of single-use plastics D) By increasing air pollution

Answer: B) By reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with cloud computing

  1. Which of the following is a benefit of using edge computing to improve sustainability? A) Increased energy consumption B) Increased carbon emissions C) Reduced latency and faster data processing D) Increased network congestion

Answer: C) Reduced latency and faster data processing

  1. What is the potential impact of using edge computing to improve sustainability? A) Increased energy consumption B) Decreased carbon emissions C) Increased use of single-use plastics D) Increased air pollution

Answer: B) Decreased carbon emissions

  1. How can edge computing help reduce the environmental impact of technology? A) By increasing the use of fossil fuels B) By reducing the need for recycling C) By reducing the energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with cloud computing D) By increasing the use of single-use plastics

Answer: C) By reducing the energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with cloud computing

  1. What are some potential strategies for using edge computing to improve sustainability? A) Creating more waste B) Increasing network congestion C) Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with cloud computing D) Ignoring sustainability altogether

Answer: C) Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with cloud computing

Read our detailed article below

How Can Edge Computing Be Used to Improve Sustainability?

As sustainability becomes an increasingly important issue, businesses are looking for ways to reduce waste and optimize their operations. One technology that is gaining traction in this area is edge computing. By processing data closer to where it is generated, edge computing can help businesses make more informed decisions in real-time, leading to more sustainable practices. In this article, we will explore the ways in which edge computing can be used to improve sustainability.

Smart Shelving and Displays

One of the most promising applications of edge computing in sustainability is through smart shelving and displays. By leveraging edge computing, retailers can build smart shelving and displays that can detect when products are running low or have expired and automatically order replacements. This real-time data can help optimize the entire supply chain management and reduce waste. By preventing overstocking and ensuring that products are always fresh, businesses can reduce the amount of waste they generate and improve their sustainability practices.

Energy Management

Edge computing can also be used to optimize energy management, another critical aspect of sustainability. By processing data in real-time, businesses can make informed decisions about how to allocate energy resources, reducing energy waste and lowering costs. For example, edge computing can be used to detect when energy demand is low and automatically adjust lighting, heating, and cooling systems accordingly. This can help reduce energy consumption and lower carbon emissions, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Waste Management

Edge computing can also be used to improve waste management practices. By collecting data on waste generation and processing it in real-time, businesses can identify areas where waste can be reduced and develop more sustainable practices. For example, edge computing can be used to track the amount of waste generated by different departments or production lines, enabling businesses to identify areas where waste can be minimized or eliminated. By reducing waste, businesses can lower their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Supply Chain Optimization

Finally, edge computing can be used to optimize supply chain management, another key area of sustainability. By processing data in real-time, businesses can make informed decisions about how to allocate resources, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. For example, edge computing can be used to track the movement of goods through the supply chain, identifying areas where delays or inefficiencies are occurring. By addressing these issues, businesses can reduce waste, lower costs, and improve their sustainability practices.


What is edge computing?

Edge computing is a technology that processes data closer to where it is generated, rather than in a centralized location. By processing data in real-time, edge computing can help businesses make more informed decisions and improve their operations.

How does edge computing improve sustainability?

Edge computing can improve sustainability by enabling businesses to make more informed decisions in real-time. By optimizing energy management, waste management, and supply chain management, businesses can reduce waste, lower costs, and improve their environmental footprint.

What are some examples of edge computing in sustainability?

Examples of edge computing in sustainability include smart shelving and displays, energy management, waste management, and supply chain optimization.


Edge computing is a powerful technology that can be used to improve sustainability in a variety of ways. By enabling businesses to make more informed decisions in real-time, edge computing can help reduce waste, lower costs, and improve efficiency. From smart shelving and displays to energy management, waste management, and supply

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