What is the first step in developing an automation strategy?

 What is the first step in developing an automation strategy?
A) developing a comprehensive automation training program
B) determining the number of automated bots each process requires
C) identifying where automation can make the most impact
D) selecting a vendor to build the proposed automation solution

Answer : C) identifying where automation can make the most impact

 The first step in developing an automation strategy is typically to identify the areas of the business where automation can have the greatest impact. This involves analyzing business processes to determine which ones are manual, repetitive, and time-consuming, and therefore likely to benefit most from automation.

This step is critical because it sets the foundation for the entire automation strategy. By identifying the areas of the business where automation can have the greatest impact, companies can focus their resources on the areas that will deliver the most significant benefits. This can include reducing costs, increasing efficiency, improving accuracy, and freeing up employees to focus on more value-added tasks.

Once the areas of the business that are best suited for automation have been identified, the company can move on to other steps in the automation strategy, such as selecting the appropriate automation technologies, developing a roadmap for implementation, and identifying the resources needed to execute the strategy.

Overall, the first step in developing an automation strategy is crucial for ensuring that the automation initiative is aligned with the company's overall business objectives and delivers maximum value to the organization.

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