Which element of Accenture's applied quantum computing strategy directly delivers value to clients?


Which element of Accenture's applied quantum computing strategy directly delivers value to clients?

 A. researching new materials for super-conductivity

 B. hosting a data center for quantum computers

C. developing quantum computing chip architectures

d. solving real-world needs with industry knowledge

Answer: The element of Accenture's applied quantum computing strategy that directly delivers value to clients is option D: solving real-world needs with industry knowledge.

Accenture's approach to quantum computing is focused on applying quantum computing to real-world business problems and helping their clients to derive value from the technology. They aim to combine their industry knowledge and expertise with quantum computing capabilities to solve complex business problems in areas such as supply chain optimization, financial modeling, and drug discovery.

While options A, B, and C are important components of quantum computing research and development, they are not directly linked to delivering value to clients. Option D is the key element that enables Accenture to leverage quantum computing to address the needs and challenges of their clients.

The element that delivers direct value to clients in Accenture's applied quantum computing strategy is solving real-world needs with industry knowledge, which involves leveraging quantum computing capabilities to address complex business problems and derive value for their clients. This approach focuses on using technology professionals' scenarios and models to optimize investment plans, enhance encryption, find goods, and perform other tasks.

 While quantum research receives significant funding, private sector competitiveness, and mathematical and scientific skills, it is the application of this technology to real-world business problems that delivers value to clients. Additionally, businesses can establish and improve hierarchies between clients, accounts, and products to forecast outcomes for comprehensive business data.

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