
Which statement describes data-sharing in a blockchain?

Which statement describes data-sharing in a blockchain?    Which statement describes data-sharing in a blockchain? A. Organizations share d...

5 Jul, 2023

Which model describes how data is written to a blockchain?

Which model describes how data is written to a blockchain?  Which model describes how data is written to a blockchain?  A. rewrite always ...

5 Jul, 2023

What is the difference between encryption and hashing? Accenture Tq Mcq

What is the difference between encryption and hashing?  What is the difference between encryption and hashing? A. Encryption is reversible,...

5 Jul, 2023

What is an advantage of using blockchain technology? Accenture Tq mcq

What is an advantage of using blockchain technology?  What is an advantage of using blockchain technology? A. There is almost no opportunit...

5 Jul, 2023

How could the adoption of blockchain within a supply chain help the world become more sustainable and, in some cases, eco-friendly?

How could the adoption of blockchain within a supply chain help the world become more sustainable and, in some cases, eco-friendly? A.  Con...

5 Jul, 2023

How can a blockchain be used to manage sharing of personal records?

How can a blockchain be used to manage sharing of personal records? A. by requiring a proof-of-work for access B. by storing consent and rev...

5 Jul, 2023

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